Providing ongoing commitment to the expertise of regional clinicians

Providing coaching, mentoring, CPD, networking opportunities and Reflective Clinical Supervision

Continuing to evolve and reimagine the way regional healthcare can be innovated and supported, Statim is proud to offer programs which ensure clinicians are delivering the best care to the community.

Statim offers innovative ways to encourage and promote the ongoing development of healthcare professionals through coordination of coaching & mentoring programs, development of CPD & networking events and delivery of one of the newest, evidence-based CPD practices to nursing and midwifery: Reflective Clinical Supervision.

Statim recognises we all have different learning needs, desires and interests. We also recognise there is an abundance of clinicians who have exhaustive knowledge and skillsets, without an obvious path to be able to share this wisdom. Statim has designed its clinician excellence program to ensure like-minded professionals have access to development, and can contribute to our vision of the best healthcare in our regional areas.

Reflective Clinical Supervision

Reflective Clinical Supervision is a new practice in nursing and midwifery, although it has had a long history in mental health nursing.

The practice ensures regular, protected time for facilitated, in-depth reflection on a clinical situation or experience to continue to develop the clinician's reactions, mindsets, feelings, beliefs and emotions. Gathering meaning to an experience allows robust mindset development, transmission of knowledge to peers and improvement in therapeutic skills in future situations.

Statim offers individual or group Reflective Clinical Supervision sessions, facilitated by Carmel Charles. 

Reflective Clinical Supervision

Coaching & Mentoring

Statim proudly supports the coordination and facilitation of formalised Coaching & Mentoring programs.

Our ambition is to continue to provide novel ways to support the growth and development of the healthcare profession. Linking skilled and experienced clinicians with peers who are seeking knowledge, guidance or advice ensures the collegiality and culture of the industry remains strong and supportive.

Statim partners with facilities to provide coaching & mentoring programs, whether as a performance development strategy or to assist implementation of continual quality improvement initiatives and programs.

Explore more, if you wish to engage in mentorship or express interest in mentoring.

Coaching & Mentoring

CPD & Networking

Explore Statim's CPD and Networking calendar, including guest speakers, symposiums and social gathering events for nursing and allied health specialties.

CPD & Networking

Let us know if you would like to contribute to our ongoing commitment to clinician excellence

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