Clinical Consultancy

Statim offers Clinical Consultancy and Compliance Monitoring to all healthcare facilities to ensure your practices are evidence-based and exceeding industry standards.

We provide assessment of facility polices, procedures, behavioural and operational compliance against NSQHS standards (acute care and mental health), RACGP standards (general practice), and ACQSC standards (aged care). On-site gap analyses and assessments can be coordinated to your facility's preference, with ability to facilitate the assessment equitable to a facility accreditation. We work alongside your team to determine current operating practices, existing processes and implemented procedures to determine what is working and what opportunities exist to align your facility to best practice.

We aim to deliver outcomes in all of your business's facets including recommendations to optimise your clinical indicator performance, financial performance, and strategic opportunities. Implementation strategies are afforded, unique to your organisation, to ensure embedment of behaviours and standards at the level of the patient or resident and make certain of the longevity of any intervention.

Statim also assists in coordinating investigations and reporting to the Office of Health Ombudsman or Coroner. We provide a comprehensive reporting capability to assist in clinical incident trend and risk management support including Root Cause Analyses, Critical Systems Analyses and proactive prevention strategies. Development and implementation of recommendations include onsite staff training, mentoring and coaching services to allow long-term implementable quality initiatives bespoke to your facility.

CORE PRODUCT: Clinical Compliance Auditing:

  • NSQHS Standards (acute care and mental health)

  • RACGP Standards (general practice)

  • ACQSC Standards (aged care)

  • Bespoke combination of selected Standards, relevant to your unlicenced facility


Clinical Compliance Auditing is an on-site service and can be coordinated based on your facility's preference.

Auditing can be managed equitable to a facility accreditation. An on-site assessment, working alongside your team to determine current operating practices, existing processes and implemented procedures to determine what is working and what opportunities exist to align your facility to best practice.

An itinerary will be sent with as much or little notice as the facility Executive team requests - outlining audit requirements including key stakeholders to engage, documentation requirements, chart auditing and roles which will be witnessed partaking their duties.

Clinical Compliance Auditing Guarantees

Detailed initial Executive meetings to intimately understand your business challenges and desired outcomesPragmatic, implementable recommendations with priority of sustainability
On-site gap analysis auditing, conducted equitable to a short-notice accreditationComprehensive service review alongside Standard compliance including SIRS, Code of Conduct, RN Care Minutes, OAIC and legislative compliance
Report development outlining met/unmet Standard compliance with recommendations, with full Executive summation"Other" opportunity summary alongside core gap analysis to identify further potential quality initiatives

SUPPORT SERVICES: Clinical Compliance and Implementation:

Statim recognises all businesses have unique requirements and we are happy to bespoke a Clinical Consultancy product to your individual needs. We ensure any advice is implementable and practical to your facility, and offer supportive services to ensure the longevity and sustainability of any intervention suggested.

  • Availability of suite of clinical, business and financial Statim experts to support your ongoing enquiries

  • Development and amendment of facility Policies and Procedures

  • Report and response assistance to requests from the Office of Health Ombudsman

  • Clinical trend and risk management strategy development including Root Cause Analyses, Critical Systems Analyses and prevention strategies

  • Transformational Leadership change management support including clinical operation and behavioural support to embed interventions. Inclusive of onsite staff training, orientation, mentoring and coaching

  • Development of Quality Improvement Plans and Reports

Talk to us today about your facility's Clinical Compliance and how we can help

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